Give differences : Tap root system and Fibrous root system
Tap root system | Fibrous root system |
$(1)$ Generally it is present in dicot plants. | $(1)$ Generally it is present in monocot plant. |
$(2)$ It develops from radicle of embryonal axis. | $(2)$ In monocot plant it grows from downward and outward from the stem branching repeatedly to form a mass of the rrot while in dicot plants it grows from hypoderms or part of stem or leaf. |
$(3)$ Secondary and other order branches devlop from its primary root. | $(3)$ No branches are produced from it develop from it and root is found fibrous. |
$(4)$ main root can be clearly identified. | $(4)$ main root cannot be identified because its growth stops. |
$(5)$ It penetrates deep in the soil. | $(5)$ hey don't go deep in the soil. |
The root that never does primary function is
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Roots are feebly developed in