Give reasons:
$(i)$ Conc. $HNO _{3}$ can be transported in aluminium container.
$(ii)$ $A$ mixture of dilute $NaOH$ and aluminium pieces is used to open drain.
$(iii)$ Graphite is used as lubricant.
$(iv)$ Diamond is used as an abrasive.
$(v)$ Aluminium alloys are used to make aircraft body.
$(vi)$ Aluminium utensils should not be kept in water overnight.
$(vii)$ Aluminium wire is used to make transmission cables.
$(i)$ Concentrated $HNO _{3}$ can be stored and transported in aluminium containers as it reacts with aluminium to form a thin protective oxide layer on the aluminium surface. This oxide layer renders aluminium passive.
$(ii)$ Sodium hydroxide and aluminium react to form sodium tetrahydroxoaluminate $(III)$ and hydrogen gas. The pressure of the produced hydrogen gas is used to open blocked drains.
$2 Al +2 NaOH +6 H _{2} O \longrightarrow 2 Na ^{+}\left[ Al ( OH )_{4}\right]^-+3 H _{2}$
$(iii)$ Graphite has a layered structure and different layers of graphite are bonded to each other by weak van der Waals' forces. These layers can slide over each other. Graphite is soft and slippery. Therefore, graphite can be used as a lubricant.
$(iv)$ In diamond, carbon is $s p^{3}$ hybridised. Each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms with the help of strong covalent bonds. These covalent bonds are present throughout the surface, giving it a very rigid $3-D$ structure. It is very difficult to break this extended covalent bonding and for this reason, diamond is the hardest substance known. Thus, it is used as an abrasive and for cutting tools.
$(v)$ Aluminium has a high tensile strength and is very light in weight. It can also be alloyed with various metals such as $Cu , Mn , Mg , Si ,$ and $Zn$. It is very malleable and ductile. Therefore, it is used in making aircraft bodies.
$(vi)$ The oxygen present in water reacts with aluminium to form a thin layer of aluminium oxide. This layer prevents aluminium from further reaction. However, when water is kept in an aluminium vessel for long periods of time, some amount of aluminium oxide may dissolve in water. As aluminium ions are harmful, water should not be stored in aluminium vessels overnight.
$(vii)$ silver, copper, and aluminium are among the best conductors of electricity. Silver is an expensive metal and silver wires are very expensive. Copper is quite expensive and is also very heavy. Aluminium is a very ductile metal. Thus, aluminium is used in making wires for electrical conduction.
Assertion : Atomic radius of gallium is higher than that of aluminium
Reason : The presence of additional $d-$ electron offer poor screening effect for the outer electrons from increased nuclear charge.
Which among the following statement(s) is(are) true for the extraction of aluminium from bauxite?
$(A)$ Hydrated $Al _2 O _3$ precipitates, when $CO _2$ is bubbled through a solution of sodium aluminate.
$(B)$ Addition of $Na _3 AlF _6$ lowers the melting point of alumina.
$(C)$ $CO _2$ is evolved at the anode during electrolysis.
$(D)$ The cathode is a steel vessel with a lining of carbon.
Explain why the following compounds behave as Lewis acids ?
$(A)$ $BCl_3$ $(B)$ $AlCl_3$
Which metal is protected by a layer of its own oxide
The correct statements from the following are :
$(A)$ The decreasing order of atomic radii of group $13$ elements is $\mathrm{Tl}>\mathrm{In}>\mathrm{Ga}>\mathrm{Al}>\mathrm{B}$.
$(B)$ Down the group $13$ electronegativity decreases from top to bottom.
$(C)$ $\mathrm{Al}$ dissolves in dil. $\mathrm{HCl}$ and liberate $\mathrm{H}_2$ but conc. $\mathrm{HNO}_3$ renders Al passive by forming a protective oxide layer on the surface.
$(D)$ All elements of group 13 exhibits highly stable +1 oxidation state.
$(E)$ Hybridisation of $\mathrm{Al}$ in $\left[\mathrm{Al}\left(\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\right)_6\right]^{3+}$ ion is $\mathrm{sp}^3 \mathrm{~d}^2$.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: