Give scientific reasons : The pressure on use of organic farming and biotic fertiliser has been increased.
To meet the increasing demand of farm products, use of chemical fertilisers has been increased. Which is an important factor to create pollution. Such chemical fertilisers are harmful for health of living organisms. As a result the pressure on use of organic farming and biotic fertilisers is increasing. Biotic fertilisers make soil fertile.
Farmers have reported $50\%$ higher yield of rice by using biofertilizer
Organic farming includes
$I.$ use of biofertilisers and biopesticides
$II.$ crop rotation
$III.$ locally developed pest resistant varieties
Choose the correct option
Organic forming does not include
Which of the following is used as biofertiliser?
$I.$ Cyanobacteria
$II.$ Yeast
$III.$ Symbiotic bacteria
$IV.$ Free living bacteria
Choose the correct option
How do biofertilisers enrich the fertility of the soil?