Given below is a list of autotrophs and heterotrophs. With your knowledge about food chain, establish various linkages between the organisms on the principle of ‘eating and being eaten’. What is this inter-linkage established known as ?

Algae, hydrilla, grasshopper, rat, squirrel, crow, maize plant, deer, rabbit, lizard, wolf, snake, peacock, phytoplankton, crustaceans, whale, tiger, lion, sparrow, duck, crane, cockroach, spider, toad, fish, leopard, elephant, goat, nymphae, spirogyra.

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The natural inter connection of food chain containing producers, consumers and decomposers in cross ( $x$ ) shape form combinedly is called food web.

$(i)$ Highlevel carnivores - Tiger, Lion (Higher trophic level).

$(ii)$ Spider, cockroach, lizard, wolf, snake, toad, fish, crane - Secondary consumers. (Third trophic level)

$(iii)$ Crustaceans, grasshopper, deer, mouse, squirrel (Second trophic level).

$(iv)$ Rabbit, elephant - goat, primary consumers (Second trophic level).

$(v)$ Phytoplankton, algae, hydrila maize plant, nimphia, spirogyra - Producers (first trophic level).

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