How can you differentiate between free central and axile placentation ?

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$\rightarrow$ Placentation : The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as placentation. The placenta is a special type of tissue. Various types of placentation is seen in plants. Free central and axile placentation among them.

$\rightarrow$ Following difference is seen in them.

        Free central placentation                          Axile placentation
$(1)$ Only one chamber is seen in ovary. $(1)$ vary is fused with monocarpellary and poly carpellary. It possesses many chambers.
$(2)$  Many ovules are located on middle rib and they are less free in ovary. Membranes are absent.  $(2)$ Placenta is produced from middle axis where membrane dissolves and forms axile. Placentation ovules are attached to it.


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