How many structural isomers can you draw for pentane ?
Three structural isomers are possible for pentane.
$(i)$ $CH _{3}- CH _{2}- CH _{2}- CH _{2}- CH _{3}$
$(ii)$ $\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{C{H_3} - C{H_2} - CH - C{H_3}} \\
{\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,|} \\
$(iii)$ $\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{\,C{H_3}} \\
\end{array}} \\
{C{H_3} - CH - C{H_3}} \\
{|\,\,\,\,\,\,} \\
Why does micelle formation take place when soap is added to water ? Will a micelle be formed in other solvents such as ethanol also ?
Explain the formation of scum when hard water is treated with soap.
Draw the structures for the following compounds
$(i)$ Ethanoic acid $(ii)$ Bromopentane $^*$
$^*$ Are structural isomers possible for bromopentane ?
Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reactions :
$C _{2} H _{6}, \,C _{3} H _{8},\,C _{3} H _{6}, \,C _{2} H _{2}$ and $CH _{4}$
What will be the formula and electron dot structure of cyclopentane ?