Identify a molecule which does not exist.
$O _{2}$
$He _{2}$
$Li _{2}$
$C _{2}$
Sum of bond order of $\mathrm{CO}$ and $\mathrm{NO}^{+}$is____________.
Which of the following is paramagnetic ?
Among the following species$N _{2}, N _{2}^{+}, N _{2}^{-}, N _{2}{ }^{2-}, O _{2}, O _{2}{ }^{+}, O _{2}^{-}, O _{2}{ }^{2-}$ the number of species showing diamagnetism is.
Write the important conditions required for the linear combination of atomic orbitals to form molecular orbitals.
વિધાન : Ozone is powerful oxidising agent in comparison to $O_2$.
કારણ : Ozone is diamagnetic but $O_2$ is paramagnetic.