Identify the blank spaces $a, b, c$ and $d$ given inthe following table and select the correct answer.

Type of microbes

Scientific name

Commercial product



Clot buster enzyme


Aspergillus niger

Citric acid


Trichoderma polysporim




Butyric acidb

  • A

    $a$ - Streptococcus, $b$ - Fungus $c$ - Cyclosporin - $A$, $d$ - Clostridium butylicum

  • B

    $a$ - Clostridum butylicum, $b$ -Bacterium $c$- Cyclosporin - $A$, $d$ - Lactobacillus

  • C

    $a$ - Propionibacterium sharmanii, $b$ -bacterium $c$ - Streptokinase $d$ - Penicillium roqueforti

  • D

    $a$ -Microsporum $b$ - Fungus $c$ - tartaric acid $d$ - Streptococcus

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