If $\left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
  {{a^2}}&{{b^2}}&{{c^2}} \\ 
  {{{(a + \lambda )}^2}}&{{{(b + \lambda )}^2}}&{{{(c + \lambda )}^2}} \\ 
  {{{(a - \lambda )}^2}}&{{{(b - \lambda )}^2}}&{{{(c - \lambda )}^2}} 
\end{array}} \right|$ $ = \,k\lambda \,\,\left| {{\mkern 1mu} {\mkern 1mu} \begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
  {{a^2}}&{{b^2}}&{{c^2}} \\
  a&b&c \\
\end{array}} \right|,\lambda \, \ne \,0$ then $k$ is equal to

  • [JEE MAIN 2014]
  • A

    $4\lambda \,abc$

  • B

    $-4\lambda \,abc$

  • C

    $4\lambda ^2$

  • D

    $-4\lambda ^2$

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