If $\left| \begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{ - 2a}&{a + b}&{a + c}\\
{b + a}&{ - 2b}&{b + c}\\
{c + a}&{b + c}&{ - 2c}
\end{array}\right|$ $ = \alpha \left( {a + b} \right)\left( {b + c} \right)\left( {c + a} \right) \ne 0$ then $\alpha $ is equal to
$a + b + c$
The system of equations : $2x\, \cos^2\theta + y\, \sin2\theta - 2\sin\theta = 0$ $x\, \sin2\theta + 2y\, \sin^2\theta = - 2\, \cos\theta$ $x\, \sin\theta - y \cos\theta = 0$ , for all values of $\theta$ , can
Find values of $\mathrm{k}$ if area of triangle is $4$ square units and vertices are $(-2,0),(0,4),(0, \mathrm{k})$
The number of values of $\alpha$ for which the system of equations: $x+y+z=\alpha$ ; $\alpha x+2 \alpha y+3 z=-1$ ; $x+3 \alpha y+5 z=4$ is inconsistent, is
Evaluate $\left|\begin{array}{cc}x & x+1 \\ x-1 & x\end{array}\right|$
If system of equations $kx + 2y - z = 2,$$\left( {k - 1} \right)x + ky + z = 1,x + \left( {k - 1} \right)y + kz = 3$ has only one solution, then number of possible real value$(s)$ of $k$ is -