If $B-Cl$ bond has a dipole moment, explain why $BCl_3$ molecule has zero dipole moment.
As a result of the difference in the electronegativities of $B$ and $C l$, the $B-Cl$ bond is polar in nature. However, the $BCl_3$ molecule is non-polar. This is because $BCl_3$ is trigonal planar in shape. It is a symmetrical molecule. Hence, the respective dipole-moments of the $B-Cl$ bond cancel each other, thereby causing a zero-dipole moment.
Explain the nature of boric acid as a Lewis acid in water.
Anhydrous $AlCl_3$ is formed in
The Lewis acid character of boron tri halides follows the order:
What happens when...
$(a)$ Borax is heated strongly,
$(b)$ Boric acid is added to water,
$(c)$ Aluminium is treated with dilute $NaOH,$
$(d) $ $B F_3$ is reacted with ammonia ?
The most abundant metal in the earth crust is