If ${ }^{n} P_{r}={ }^{n} P_{r+1}$ and ${ }^{n} C_{r}={ }^{n} C_{r-1}$, then the value of $r$ is equal to:
In the $13$ cricket players $4$ are bowlers, then how many ways can form a cricket team of $11$ players in which at least $2$ bowlers included
If the number of five digit numbers with distinct digits and $2$ at the $10^{\text {th }}$ place is $336 \mathrm{k}$, then $\mathrm{k}$ is equal to
A test consists of $6$ multiple choice questions, each having $4$ alternative ans wers of which only one is correct. The number of ways, in which a candidate answers all six questions such that exactly four of the answers are correct, is
The number of ways in which $3$ children can distribute $10$ tickets out of $15$ consecutively numbered tickets themselves such that they get consecutive blocks of $5, 3 $ and $2$ tickets is
A group consists of $4$ girls and $7$ boys. In how many ways can a team of $5$ members be selected if the team has no girl?