If $L , C$ and $R$ denote the inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, the dimensional formula for $C ^{2} LR$ is
$[M{L^{ - 2}}{T^{ - 1}}{I^0}]$
$[{M^{ - 1}}{L^{ - 2}}{T^6}{I^2}]$
The dimensional formula of farad is
If momentum $(P)$, area $(A)$ and time $(T)$ are taken to be fundamental quantities then energy has dimensional formula
Planck's constant $(h),$ speed of light in vacuum $(c)$ and Newton's gravitational constant $(G)$ are three fundamental constants. Which of the following combinations of these has the dimension of length $?$
The dimensions of $\left(\frac{ B ^{2}}{\mu_{0}}\right)$ will be.
(if $\mu_{0}$ : permeability of free space and $B$ : magnetic field)
The dimensions of universal gravitational constant are