If $< {a_n} >$ is an $A.P$. and $a_1 + a_4 + a_7 + .......+ a_{16} = 147$, then $a_1 + a_6 + a_{11} + a_{16}$ is equal to
The $p^{\text {th }}, q^{\text {th }}$ and $r^{\text {th }}$ terms of an $A.P.$ are $a, b, c,$ respectively. Show that $(q-r) a+(r-p) b+(p-q) c=0$
Different $A.P.$'s are constructed with the first term $100$,the last term $199$,And integral common differences. The sum of the common differences of all such, $A.P$'s having at least $3$ terms and at most $33$ terms is.
If the sum of the roots of the equation $a{x^2} + bx + c = 0$ be equal to the sum of the reciprocals of their squares, then $b{c^2},\;c{a^2},\;a{b^2}$ will be in
How many terms of the $A.P.$ $-6,-\frac{11}{2},-5, \ldots \ldots$ are needed to give the sum $-25 ?$
If $1,\,\,{\log _9}({3^{1 - x}} + 2),\,\,{\log _3}({4.3^x} - 1)$ are in $A.P.$ then $x$ equals