If a father and son are both defective in red-green colour vision, is it likely that the son inherited the trait from his father ? Comment.
Gene for colour blindness is$X-$chromosome linked. sons receive their $\mathrm{X}$ from their mother, not from their father. Male-to-male inheritances is not possible for $X$-linked traits in humans. In the given case the mother of the child must be a carrier (heterozygous) for colour blindness gene.
Select the correct sentence for colour blindness ?
Following characters are indicate
$(i)$ presence of sickle - shaped $RBC$
$(ii)$ Blood not clot, non stop bleeding
$(iii)$ The heterozygous female transmit the disease to sons.
$(iv)$ Both heterozygous parents transmit the disease to offspring
If a man who is colour blind marries a women, who is pure normal for colour vision, the chances of their sons have colour blindness is
Given below is a pedigree chart of a family with five children. It shows the inheritance of attached earlobes as opposed to the free ones. The squares represent the male individuals and circles the female individuals Which one of the following conclusions drawn is correct
Red green colour blindness appears due to