If a vendor sells a coconut at $Rs.\, 14.4$ he makes $10 \%$ Ioss. If he wants to make $25 \%$ profit, there at what price (in $Rs.$) should he sell?
A manufacturer sells an article to a wholesale dealer at a profit of $20 \%$. The wholesale dealer sells it to a retail merchant at a loss of $5 \% .$ Find out the resultant profit or loss.
A product when sold with $10 \%$ rebate on the listed price gave a profit of $Rs$ $70 .$ What was its cost price? (in $Rs$)
Raman sells a machine for $Rs.\, 39$ lakh at a loss. Had he sold it for $Rs.\, 49$ lakh, his gain would nhave been three times the loss. What is the cost price of the machine? (in $Rs........lakh$)
Paras Health Care made $3000$ strips of vitamin tablets at a cost of $Rs.$ $4800 .$ The company gave away $1000$ strips of tablets to doctors as free samples. A discount of $25 \%$ is given on the printed price. Find the ratio of profit in $Rs.$ if the price is raised from $Rs.\, 3.25$ to $Rs.\, 4 .25$ per strip and if at the latter price, samples to doctors were done away with.
A shopkeeper sells rice at $10 \%$ profit and uses weight $30 \%$ less than the actual measure. His gain percent is