If Hund's Rule does not hold good, then which of the following pairs is diamagnetic
$B_2, O_2^+$
$C_2, O_2$
$O_2^-, N_2$
$N_2, NO$
Which of the following molecules/ions does not contain unpaired electrons?
Compare the relative stability of the following species and indicate the magnetic properties : ${{\rm{O}}_2}{\rm{,O}}_2^ + ,{\rm{O}}_2^ - $ (super oxide); ${\rm{O}}_2^{2 - }$ (Peroxide)
In which of the following ionization processes the bond energy increases and the magnetic behaviour changes from paramagnetic to diamagnetic.
Which one of the following molecules is paramagnetic
Sum of bond order of $\mathrm{CO}$ and $\mathrm{NO}^{+}$is____________.