If the force between the electron in the first Bohr orbit and the nucleus (proton) in hydrogen atom is $F$, then the force between them when the electron is in the second orbit is
Which one did Rutherford consider to be supported by the results of experiments in which $\alpha - $ particles were scattered by gold foil?
Consider the following statements:
$I$. All isotopes of an element have the same number of neutrons.
$II$. Only one isotope of an element can be stable and non-radioactive.
$III$. All elements have isotopes.
$IV$. All isotopes of carbon can form chemical compounds with oxygen-$16$.
Choose the correct option regarding an isotope.
Assertion: The specific charge of positive rays is not constant.
Reason: The mass of ions varies with speed.
If in Rutherford’s experiment, the number of particles scattered at ${90^o}$ angle are $28$ per min, then number of scattered particles at an angle ${60^o}$ and ${120^o}$ will be
What is plum pudding model of the atom ?