If the length of the tangents drawn from the point $(1,2)$ to the circles ${x^2} + {y^2} + x + y - 4 = 0$ and $3{x^2} + 3{y^2} - x - y + k = 0$ be in the ratio $4 : 3$, then $k =$
$-21/ 4$
The line $y = x + c$will intersect the circle ${x^2} + {y^2} = 1$ in two coincident points, if
The straight line $x + 2y = 1$ meets the coordinate axes at $A$ and $B$. A circle is drawn through $A, B$ and the origin. Then the sum of perpendicular distances from $A$ and $B$ on the tangent to the circle at the origin is
If a circle, whose centre is $(-1, 1)$ touches the straight line $x + 2y + 12 = 0$, then the coordinates of the point of contact are
Points $P (-3,2), Q (9,10)$ and $R (\alpha, 4)$ lie on a circle $C$ with $P R$ as its diameter. The tangents to $C$ at the points $Q$ and $R$ intersect at the point $S$. If $S$ lies on the line $2 x - ky =1$, then $k$ is equal to $.........$.
The centres of two circles $C_1$ and $C_2$ each of unit radius are at a distance of $6$ units from each other. Let $P$ be the mid point of the line segment joining the centres of $C_1$ and $C_2$ and $C$ be a circle touching circles $C_1$ and $C_2$ externally. If a common tangent to $C_1$ and $C$ passing through $P$ is also a common tangent to $C_2$ and $C$, then the radius of the circle $C$ is