The bob of a simple pendulum executes simple harmonic motion in water with a period $t$, while the period of oscillation of the bob is ${t_0}$ in air. Neglecting frictional force of water and given that the density of the bob is $(4/3) ×1000 kg/m^3$. What relationship between $t$ and ${t_0}$ is true
In a simple pendulum, the period of oscillation $T$ is related to length of the pendulum $l$ as
lfa simple pendulum has significant amplitude (up to a factor of $1/e$ of original) only in the period between $t = 0\ s$ to $t = \tau \ s$, then $\tau$ may be called the average life of the pendulum. When the spherical bob of the pendulum suffers a retardation ( due to viscous drag) proportional to its velocity with $b$ as the constant of proportionality, the average life time of the pendulum is (assuming damping is small) in seconds
A simple pendulum executing $S.H.M.$ is falling freely along with the support. Then
In a seconds pendulum, mass of bob is $30\, gm$. If it is replaced by $90\, gm$ mass. Then its time period will .... $\sec$