If the system of equations $x + 2y + 3z = 4 , x + py + 2z = 3 , x + 4y + \mu z = 3$ has an infinite number of solutions , then :
$p = 2 , \mu = 3$
$p = 2 , \mu = 4$
$3 p = 2 \mu$
none of these
The roots of the determinant equation (in $x$) $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}a&a&x\\m&m&m\\b&x&b\end{array}\,} \right| = 0$
If $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}a&b&c\\b&c&a\\c&a&b\end{array}\,} \right| = k(a + b + c)({a^2} + {b^2} + {c^2}$ $ - bc - ca - ab)$, then $k =$
Find values of $x$ for which $\left|\begin{array}{ll}3 & x \\ x & 1\end{array}\right|=\left|\begin{array}{ll}3 & 2 \\ 4 & 1\end{array}\right|$
The values of $\alpha$, for which $\left|\begin{array}{ccc}1 & \frac{3}{2} & \alpha+\frac{3}{2} \\ 1 & \frac{1}{3} & \alpha+\frac{1}{3} \\ 2 \alpha+3 & 3 \alpha+1 & 0\end{array}\right|=0$, lie in the interval
Let $\alpha \beta \neq 0$ and $A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\beta & \alpha & 3 \\ \alpha & \alpha & \beta \\ -\beta & \alpha & 2 \alpha\end{array}\right]$. If $B=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}3 \alpha & -9 & 3 \alpha \\ -\alpha & 7 & -2 \alpha \\ -2 \alpha & 5 & -2 \beta\end{array}\right]$ is the matrix of cofactors of the elements of $A$, then $\operatorname{det}(A B)$ is equal to.