In a certain store, the profit is $320 \%$ of the cost. If the cost increases by $25 \%$ but the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit?
By selling $90$ pens for $Rs.\, 80$ a man loses $20 \%$. What should be the selling price (in $Rs.$) of $90$ pens for $20\%$ profit?
A shopkeeper buys a toy at $Rs.\,100$ and sells it at $Rs.$ $125 .$ Another shopkeeper buys the same toy at $Rs.\, 125$ but sells it at $Rs.$ $100 .$ What are the respective profit and loss percentages for the two shopkeepers.
Kamya purchased an item for $Rs.\, 46,000$ and sold it at aloss of $12$ percent. With that amount she purchased another item which he sold at a gain of $12 \% .$ What was her overall gain/loss?
A shopkeeper gains $17 \%$ after allowing a discount of $10 \%$ on the marked price of an article. Find his profit percent if the article is sold at marked price allowing no discount.
A sells his house worth $Rs.\, 10\, lakh$ to $B$ at a loss of $10 \% .$ Later $B$ sells it back to $A$ at $10 \%$ profit. The result of the two transactions is