In a class of $100$ students, $55$ students have passed in Mathematics and $67$ students have passed in Physics. Then the number of students who have passed in Physics only is
Out of $500$ car owners investigated, $400$ owned car $\mathrm{A}$ and $200$ owned car $\mathrm{B} , 50$ owned both $\mathrm{A}$ and $\mathrm{B}$ cars. Is this data correct?
Of the members of three athletic teams in a school $21$ are in the cricket team, $26$ are in the hockey team and $29$ are in the football team. Among them, $14$ play hockey and cricket, $15$ play hockey and football, and $12$ play football and cricket. Eight play all the three games. The total number of members in the three athletic teams is
There are $200$ individuals with a skin disorder, $120$ had been exposed to the chemical $C _{1}, 50$ to chemical $C _{2},$ and $30$ to both the chemicals $C _{1}$ and $C _{2} .$ Find the number of individuals exposed to
Chemical $C_{2}$ but not chemical $C_{1}$
In a class of $35$ students, $24$ like to play cricket and $16$ like to play football. Also, each student likes to play at least one of the two games. How many students like to play both cricket and football?
A group of $40$ students appeared in an examination of $3$ subjects - Mathematics, Physics Chemistry. It was found that all students passed in at least one of the subjects, $20$ students passed in Mathematics, $25$ students passed in Physics, $16$ students passed in Chemistry, at most $11$ students passed in both Mathematics and Physics, at most $15$ students passed in both Physics and Chemistry, at most $15$ students passed in both Mathematics and Chemistry. The maximum number of students passed in all the three subjects is___________.