In a cross between a male and female, both heterozygous for sickle cell anaemia gene, what percentage of the progeny will be diseased? (In $\%$)
Following characters are indicate
$(i)$ presence of sickle - shaped $RBC$
$(ii)$ Blood not clot, non stop bleeding
$(iii)$ The heterozygous female transmit the disease to sons.
$(iv)$ Both heterozygous parents transmit the disease to offspring
If a father and son are both defective in red-green colour vision, is it likely that the son inherited the trait from his father ? Comment.
Which one of the following symbols represents mating between relatives in human pedigree analysis?
Given below is a pedigree chart showing the inheritance of a certain sex- linked trait in humans.
The trait traced in the above pedigree chart is
The character of organisms is said to be sex linked when its gene is carried on