In these questions, two equations mabered $I$ and $II$ are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option.
$I.$ $2 x^{2}+19 x+45=0$
$II.$ $2 y^{2}+11 y+12=0$
If $x>y$
If $x \geq y$
If $x < y$
If relationship between $x$ and $y$ cannot be determined
A person bought a horse and a carriage for $Rs.\,20000.$ Later, he sold the horse at $20 \%$ profit and the carriage at $10 \%$ loss. Thus, he gained $2 \%$ in the whole transaction. The cost price of the horse was (in $Rs.$)
A shopkeeper expects a gain of $22 \frac{1}{2} \%$ on his cost price. If in a week, his sale was of $Rs. \,392$ what was his profit? (in $Rs$)
Amit purchased $13$ chair of $Rs.\, 115$ each and sold all at $Rs.\, 1220.$ Then find the profit or Loss on the transaction
A shopkeeper purchased $245$ pieces of an article at $Rs$. $30$ per piece. He spent $Rs.$ $980$ on transport and $Rs.$ $1470$ on packing the articles. He sold the articles at the rate of $Rs.$ $50$ per piece. What is the percent profit earned?
Ramesh purchased a bicycle for $Rs.\,5200$ and spent $Rs.\,800$ on its repairs. He had to sell it for $Rs.\,5500.$ Find out his profit or loss percent.