Inductance $L$ can be dimensionally represented as
$M{L^2}{T^{ - 2}}{A^{ - 2}}$
$M{L^2}{T^{ - 4}}{A^{ - 3}}$
$M{L^{ - 2}}{T^{ - 2}}{A^{ - 2}}$
Dimensional formula for torque is
Even if a physical quantity depends upon three quantities, out of which two are dimensionally same, then the formula cannot be derived by the method of dimensions. This statement
$E,\,m,\,l$ and $G$ denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, then the dimension of $\frac{{E{l^2}}}{{{m^5}{G^2}}}$ are
Dimensions of coefficient of viscosity are
If $y$ represents pressure and $x$ represents velocity gradient, then the dimensions of $\frac{d^2 y}{d x^2}$ are