Let $a \neq b$ be two non-zero real numbers.Then the number of elements in the set $X =\left\{ z \in C : \operatorname{Re}\left(a z^2+ bz \right)= a \text { and }\operatorname{Re}\left(b z^2+ az \right)= b \right\}$ is equal to
For any two complex numbers ${z_1},{z_2}$we have $|{z_1} + {z_2}{|^2} = $ $|{z_1}{|^2} + |{z_2}{|^2}$ then
If complex numbers $(x -2y) + i(3x -y)$ and $(2x -y) + i(x -y + 6)$ are conjugates of each other, then $|x + iy|$ is $(x,y \in R)$
The set of all $\alpha \in R$, for which $w = \frac{{1 + \left( {1 - 8\alpha } \right)z}}{{1 - z}}$ is a purely imaginary number, for all $z \in C$ satisfying $\left| z \right| = 1$ and ${\mathop{\rm Re}\nolimits} \,z \ne 1$, is
If $arg\, z < 0$ then $arg\, (-z)\, -arg(z)$ is equal to
Number of complex numbers $z$ such that $\left| z \right| + z - 3\bar z = 0$ is equal to