Light wave is travelling along $y-$ direction. If the corresponding $\vec E$ vector at any time is along the $x-$ axis, the direction of $\vec B$ vector at that time is along
$y-$ axis
$x-$ axis
$+z -$ axis
$-\,z-$ axis
Show that the radiation pressure exerted by an $EM$ wave of intensity $I$ on a surface kept in vacuum is $\frac{I}{c}$.
Aplane electromagnetic wave is incident on a plane surface of area A normally, and is perfectly reflected. If energy $E$ strikes the surface in time $t$ then average pressure exerted on the surface is ( $c=$ speed of light)
The electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave varies with time of amplitude $2\, Vm^{-1}$ propagating along $z$ -axis. The average energy density of the magnetic field (in $J\, m^{-3}$) is
The photon energy in units of $eV$ for electromagnetic wave of wavelength $2\,cm$ is
A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in the direction of the unit vector $\hat{ n }$ with a speed $c$ is described by electric and magnetic field vectors $E$ and $B$, respectively. Which of the following relations (in $SI$ units) between $E$ and $B$ can be ruled out on dimensional grounds alone?