Location / Function :
$(i)$ Resin duct
$(ii)$ Passage cells
$(iii)$ Albumin cells
$(i)$ Location : It is located in main cortex of ground tissue of sunflower stem.
$\Rightarrow$ Function : Resin secreting from it gives mechanical strength and durability to stem.
$(ii)$ Location : Unthickened cells in endodermis of maize root.
$\Rightarrow$ Function : It transports water and salts between cortex and stele.
$(iii)$ Location : It is present in phloem tissue of gymnosperms.
$\Rightarrow$ Function : It lacks sieve tube and companion cells but it has albumin cells and sieve cells.
Closed vascular bundles lack
How many facets are present in a parenchyma cell
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In which of the following phloem parenchyma is absent
The lacunae in the vascular bundles of monocot stem is