Match Column $- I$ with Column $- II.$
Column $- I$ | Column $- II$ |
(a) Saprophyte | (i) Symbiotic association of fungi with plant roots |
(b) Parasite | (ii) Decomposition of dead organic materials |
(c) Lichens | (iii) Living on living plants or animals |
(d) Mycorrhiza | (iv) Symbiotic association of algae and fungi |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
$(a)\quad (b)\quad (c)\quad (d)$
$(i)\quad (ii)\quad (iii)\quad (iv)$
$(iii) \quad (ii)\quad (i)\quad (iv)$
$(ii)\quad (i) \quad (iii) \quad (iv)$
$(ii) \quad (iii) \quad (iv)\quad (i)$
Give differences: Commensalism and Mutualism.
While living in and on the host species, the animal parasite has evolved certain adaptations. Describe these adaptations with examples.
Describe competition.
Give a suitable example for commensalism.
$(I)$ | $(II)$ | $(III)$ |
$(a)$ Parasitism | $(i)\,-,0$ | $(A)$ Both get benefitted |
$(b)$ Amensalism | $(ii)\,-,-$ | $(B)$ One get harmed other has no effect |
$(c)$ Competition | $(iii)\,+,-$ | $(C)$ Both get harmed |
$(d)$ Mutualism | $(iv)\,+,+$ | $(D)$ One is harmed and second is benefited |