Match Column $- I$ with Column $- II.$

Column $- I$ Column $- II$
(a) Saprophyte (i) Symbiotic association of fungi with plant roots
(b) Parasite  (ii) Decomposition of dead organic materials
(c) Lichens  (iii) Living on living plants or animals
(d) Mycorrhiza  (iv) Symbiotic association of algae and fungi

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

$(a)\quad (b)\quad  (c)\quad  (d)$

  • [NEET 2019]
  • A

    $(i)\quad  (ii)\quad  (iii)\quad  (iv)$

  • B

    $(iii) \quad (ii)\quad (i)\quad  (iv)$

  • C

    $(ii)\quad  (i) \quad (iii) \quad (iv)$

  • D

    $(ii) \quad (iii) \quad (iv)\quad  (i)$

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$(I)$ $(II)$ $(III)$
$(a)$ Parasitism $(i)\,-,0$ $(A)$ Both get benefitted
$(b)$ Amensalism $(ii)\,-,-$ $(B)$ One get harmed other has no effect
$(c)$ Competition $(iii)\,+,-$ $(C)$ Both get harmed
$(d)$ Mutualism $(iv)\,+,+$ $(D)$ One is harmed and second is benefited

  • [AIIMS 2019]