Match the trophic levels with their correct species examples in grassland ecosystem.

$(a)$ Fourth trophic level $(i)$ Crow
$(b)$ Second trophic level $(ii)$ Vulture
$(c)$ First trophic level $(iii)$ Rabbit
$(d)$ Third trophic level $(iv)$ Grass

Select the correct option :

$(a)\quad(b) \quad(c) \quad(d)$

  • [NEET 2020]
  • A

    $(i)\quad(ii) \quad(iii) \quad(iv)$

  • B

    $(ii)\quad(iii) \quad(iv) \quad(i)$

  • C

    $(iii)\quad(ii) \quad(i) \quad(iv)$

  • D

    $(iv)\quad(iii) \quad(ii) \quad(i)$

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