''Motion of simple pendulum from mean position for small displacement is a simple harmonic motion'' - Explain this statement.
A simple pendulum is set up in a trolley which moves to the right with an acceleration a on a horizontal plane. Then the thread of the pendulum in the mean position makes an angle $\theta $ with the vertical
A simple pendulum, suspended from the ceiling of a stationary van, has time period $T$. If the van starts moving with a uniform velocity the period of the pendulum will be
A simple pendulum of length $L$ and mass (bob) $M$ is oscillating in a plane about a vertical line between angular limits $ - \varphi $ and $ + \varphi $. For an angular displacement $\theta (|\theta | < \varphi )$, the tension in the string and the velocity of the bob are $T$ and $ v$ respectively. The following relations hold good under the above conditions
The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of constant length at earth surface is $T$. Its period inside a mine is
A simple pendulum hangs from the ceiling of a car. If the car accelerates with a uniform acceleration, the frequency of the simple pendulum will