Negation of “Paris in France and London is in England” is
Paris is in England and London is in France
Paris is not in France or London is not in England
Paris is in England or London is in France
None of these
The statement $( p \rightarrow( q \rightarrow p )) \rightarrow( p \rightarrow( p \vee q ))$ is
Negation of "If India wins the match then India will reach in the final" is :-
Given the following two statements :
$\left( S _{1}\right):( q \vee p ) \rightarrow( p \leftrightarrow \sim q )$ is a tautology.
$\left( S _{2}\right): \sim q \wedge(\sim p \leftrightarrow q )$ is a fallacy.
Contrapositive of the statement:
'If a function $f$ is differentiable at $a$, then it is also continuous at $a$', is
Which of the following is not a statement