If the truth value of the statement $(P \wedge(\sim R)) \rightarrow((\sim R) \wedge Q)$ is $F$, then the truth value of which of the following is $F$ ?
$P \vee Q \rightarrow \sim R$
$R \vee Q \rightarrow \sim P$
$\sim( P \vee Q ) \rightarrow \sim R$
$\sim( R \vee Q ) \rightarrow \sim P$
The logical statement $(p \Rightarrow q){\wedge}(q \Rightarrow \sim p)$ is equivalent to
If $p, q, r$ are simple propositions, then $(p \wedge q) \wedge (q \wedge r)$ is true then
The negative of the statement $\sim p \wedge(p \vee q)$ is
The contrapositive of statement 'If Jaipur is capital of Rajasthan, then Jaipur is in India' is
The contrapositive of the statement "If you will work, you will earn money" is ..... .