Out of the following, which one is not emitted by a natural radioactive substance?
Electromagnetic radiations
Helium nuclei with charge equal to that of two protons
The half life of a radioactive substance is $20$ minutes. The approximate time interval $(t_2 - t_1)$ between the time $t_2$ when $\frac{2}{3}$ of it had decayed and time $t_1$ when $\frac{1}{3}$ of it had decayed is ..........$min$
A radio-isotope has a half- life of $5$ years. The fraction of the atoms of this material that would decay in $15$ years will be
The activity of a radioactive sample is measured as $N_0$ counts per minute at $t = 0$ and $N_0/e$ counts per minute at $t = 5$ minutes. The time (in minutes) at which the activity reduces to half its value is
A sample of radioactive element containing $4 \times 10^{16}$ active nuclei. Half life of element is $10$ days, then number of decayed nuclei after $30$ days is ........ $\times 10^{16}$
A radioactive nucleus $A$ has a single decay mode with half-life $\tau_A$. Another radioactive nucleus $B$ has two decay modes $1$ and $2$. If decay mode $2$ were absent, the half-life of $B$ would have been $\tau_A / 2$. If decay mode $1$ were absent, the half-life of $B$ would have been $3 \tau_A$. If the actual half life of $B$ is $\tau_B$, then the ratio $\tau_B / \tau_A$ is