Profit obtained on selling an article for $Rs.\,310$ is equal to the loss incurred on selling that article for $Rs.\, 230.$ What will be the loss percentage when selling price is $Rs.\, 180$?
$16 \frac{1}{3}$
$16 \frac{2}{3}$
$33 \frac{1}{3}$
$33 \frac{2}{3}$
By selling an article for $Rs$ $384,$ a trader gains $20 \%$. Find the cost price of article.
A vendor buys bananas at $9$ for $Rs. 8$ and sells at 8 for $Rs. 9.$ What will be the profit or loss (in $\%$)?
A sells a bicycle to $B$ at a profit of $20 \%$ and $B$ sells it to $C$ at a profit of $25 \% .$ If $C$ pays $R s .\,1500,$ what did $A$ pay for it in $RS.$?
A garment company declared $14 \%$ discount for wholesale buyers. Mr. Swami bought garments from the company for $Rs.$ $860$ after getting discount. He fixed up the selling price of garments in such a way that he earned a profit of $6 \%$ on original company price. What is the? approximate total selling price? (in $Rs.$)
A trader sold an article at a gain of $20 \%$. Had he purchased it for $40 \%$ more and sold for $Rs.\, 24$ less, he would have incurred a loss of $20 \%$. What is the cost price (in $Rs.$) of the article?