Rita buys an article for $Rs.$ $9600.$ She sold it at $12 \%$ loss and get some money and from that money she again buys an article and this time she got $12 \%$ profit. What was profit or loss she got form this transaction in $Rs.$?
$'A'$ bought a certain quantity of oranges at total cost of $Rs.\, 1200 /-$ He sold $1 / 3^{\text {rd }}$ of those oranges at $20 \%$ loss. If $A$ earns an overall profit of $10 \%,$ at what percent profit did $A$ sell the rest of the oranges?
A reduction of $21 \%$ in the price of an item enables a person to buy $3\, Kg$ more for $Rs.\,100.$ The reduced price of the item per $Kg$ is (in $Rs.$)
Anil started a business with an investment of $Rs.\,25,000.$ After $3\, months,$ Vishal joined his business with a capital of $Rs.\, 30,000$. At the end of the $year,$ they have made a profit of $Rs.\, 19,000$ what will be Anil's share in the profit? (in $Rs.$)
The marked price of an article is $Rs.\, 5000.$ But due to a special festive offer a certain per cent of discount is declared. Mr. $X$ availed this opportunity and bought the article at reduced price. He then sold it at $Rs.\, 5000$ and thereby made a profit of $11 \frac{1}{9} \%$. The percentage of discount allowed was
Arun buys one kilogram of apples for $Rs.\, 120$ and sells it to Swati gaining $25 \%$. Swati sells it to Divya who again sells it for $Rs.\, 198,$ making a profit of $10 \%$. What is the profit percentage made by Swati?