Saccharomycescerevisiae is used for commercial production of

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D

    Acetic acid

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$(a)$ Bacillus thuringiensis $(i)$ Cloning vector
$(b)$ Thermus aquaticus $(ii)$ Construction of first $rDNA$ molecule
$(c)$ Agrobacterium tumefaciens $(iii)$ $DNA$polymerase
$(d)$ Salmonella typhimurium $(iv)$ Cry proteins

Select the correct option from the following:


  • [NEET 2020]

$A$ - Scientist Alexander Fleming was discoveredantibiotic.

$R$ - Methanogens are used for fermentingmalted cereals and fruit juices to produceethanol.

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Monascus Purpureus





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