Choose the correct one.

  • A
    Lipase - removes stains
  • B
    Streptokinase - clear bottled juices
  • C
    Cyclospotein - $A$ - clear blood clot
  • D
    Amylase - increase cholesterol in blood

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  • [AIPMT 2011]

Match the columns :

Column - $I$ Column - $II$
$(a)$ Statin $(1)$ To remove oily stains
$(b)$ Cyclosporin A $(2)$ To break blood clot
$(c)$ Straptokinase $(3)$ To decrease Cholesterol in blood
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$A $ : Statins are product of fermentation activity of yeast.
$R$ : Statins and mevalonate compete for same active site on enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis.