Study the given graph and answer the following questions
$(i)$ Which part of the graph shows accelerated motion ?
$(ii)$ Which part of the graph shows retarded motion ?
$(iii)$ Calculate the distance travelled by the body in first $4$ seconds of journey graphically.
$(i)$ The part $AB$ of the graph shows acceleration.
$(ii)$ The part $CD$ of the graph shows retardation.
$(iii)$ Distance travelled is equal to the area under the $v-t$ graph.
Thus, $S=$ Area of $\Delta AEB =1 / 2 \times AE \times EB$
$=1 / 2 \times 4 \times 4=8 m$
Distance$-$time graph below represents the motion of two buses $A$ and $B$
$(i)$ What is the distance by which bus $B$ was ahead of bus $A$ initially ?
$(ii)$ Do they ever meet each other ? If so, when ?
$(iii)$ What is the distance travelled by bus $A$ when it overtakes bus $B$ ?
$(iv)$ Find out the distance by which bus $A$ was ahead of bus $B$ at $y=12 h$
$(v)$ Which one of them is moving faster ? Give reason.
There are 5 houses on a street, $A, B, C, D$ and $E$. For all cases, assume that positions to the right are positive.
$(i)$ Draw a frame of reference with house $A$ as the origin and the positions of houses $B, C, D$ and $E$.
$(ii)$ You live in house $C.$ What is your position relative to house $E$ ?
$(iii)$ What are the positions of houses $A$ and $D$, if house $B$ is taken as the reference point ?
When is an object in motion considered to be a point object ?
If the acceleration of the particle is constant in magnitude but not in direction, what type of path does the particle follow ?
Suppose a boy is enjoying a ride on a merry-go-round which is moving with a constant speed of $10\, ms^{-1}$. It implies that the boy is