The Bernoulli's equation is given by $p +\frac{1}{2} \rho v ^{2}+ h \rho g = k$
where $p =$ pressure, $\rho =$ density, $v =$ speed, $h =$ height of the liquid column, $g=$ acceleration due to gravity and $k$ is constant. The dimensional formula for $k$ is same as that for
Velocity gradient
Pressure gradient
Modulus of elasticity
Dimensional formula for torque is
If $R$ and $L$ represent respectively resistance and self inductance, which of the following combinations has the dimensions of frequency
If $L$ denotes the inductance of an inductor through which a current $i$ is flowing, the dimensions of $L{I^2}$ are
If pressure $P$, velocity $V$ and time $T$ are taken as fundamental physical quantities, the dimensional formula of force is
Dimensions of coefficient of viscosity are