The correct path of energy flow in an ecosystem is
Producers $→$ Carnivores $→$ Herbivores $→$ Decomposers
Producers $→$ Herbivores $→$ Carnivores $→$ Decomposers
Herbivores $→$ Carnivores $→ $ Producers $→$ Decomposers
Herbivores $→$ Producers $→$ Carnivores $→$ Decomposers
Most animals that live in deep oceanic waters are
Energy flow in ecosystem is
Trees $\rightarrow$ Birds $\rightarrow$ Lice $\rightarrow$ Bacteria. Thus food chain is
Identify the possible link “$A$” in the following food chain.
Plant $→$ Insect $→$ Frog $→$ “$A$” $→$ Eagle
The percentage of light energy utilized for photosynthesis by higher plants is