The family containing mustard, and its main characters are:
Brassicaceae-Tetramerous flowers, six stamens, bicarpellary gynoecium, siliqua type fruit
Brassicaceae-Pentamerous flowers, many stamens, pentacarpellary gynoecium, capsule type fruit
Solanaceae-Pentamerous flowers, five stamens, bicarpellary gynoecium, berry type fruit
Poaceae-Trimerous flowers, three stamens, monocarpellary gynoecium, caryopsis type of fruit.
The standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla is also called
Which of the following is a fatty oil yielding plant?
Monocarpellary pistil with unilocular ovary and marginal placentation are found in
A family belongs to inferae of gamopetalae
The unit of inflorescence in grasses / gramineae $(poaceae)$ is