The following four wires are made of same material. Which one will have the largest elongation when subjected to the same tension ?
Length $500\,cm,$ diameter $0.05\,mm$
Length $200\,cm,$ diameter $0.02\,mm$
Length $300\,cm,$ diameter $0.03\,mm$
Length $400\,cm,$ diameter $0.01\,mm$
On all the six surfaces of a unit cube, equal tensile force of $F$ is applied. The increase in length of each side will be ($Y =$ Young's modulus, $\sigma $= Poission's ratio)
Increase in length of a wire is $1\, mm$ when suspended by a weight. If the same weight is suspended on a wire of double its length and double its radius, the increase in length will be ........ $mm$
A uniform rod of mass $m$, length $L$, area of cross-section $A$ and Young's modulus $Y$ hangs from the ceiling. Its elongation under its own weight will be
When a certain weight is suspended from a long uniform wire, its length increases by one cm. If the same weight is suspended from another wire of the same material and length but having a diameter half of the first one then the increase in length will be ........ $cm$
Which one is more elastic, steel or plastic ? Why ?