The incorrect statement regarding molecular orbital $(s)$ is
If there is a nodal plane perpendicular to the internuclear axis and lying between the nuclei of bonded atoms then corresponding orbitals is antibonding $M.O.$
If a nodal plane lies in the inter-nuclear axis, then corresponding orbitals is $pi(\pi)$ bonding $M .O.$
The $\sigma$ -bonding molecular orbital does not contain nodal planes containing the ternuclear axis
The $\delta$ -bonding molecular orbital possesses three nodal planes containing the internuclear axis.
Which of the following statement is not correct?
Which of the following is diamagnetic
What is bond order according to Lewis ? Write structure and bond order of ${{\rm{H}}_2}{\rm{,}}{{\rm{O}}_2},{{\rm{N}}_2},{\rm{CO}},{\rm{NO}}$.
According to molecular orbital theory, the number of unpaired electron(s) in $\mathrm{O}_{2}^{2-}$ is :
From elementary molecular orbital theory we can give the electronic configuration of the singly positive nitrogen molecular ion $N_2^ + $ as