The mammary glands are paired structures that contain the glandular tissue and variable amount of fat. The correct sequence of tissues involved in synthesis and flow of milk are

  • A

    Mammary lobes $\rightarrow$ Mammary alveoli $\rightarrow$ Mammary ampulla $\rightarrow$ Mammary duct $\rightarrow$ Lactiferous duct

  • B

    Mammary lobes $\rightarrow$ Mammary alveoli $\rightarrow$ Mammary duct $\rightarrow$ Mammary ampulla $\rightarrow$ Lactiferous duct

  • C

    Mammary lobes $\rightarrow$ Mammary alveoli $\rightarrow$ Lactiferous, duct $\rightarrow$ Mammary ampulla $\rightarrow$ Mammary duct

  • D

    Mammary alveoli $\rightarrow$ Mammary lobes $\rightarrow$ Lactiferous duct $\Leftrightarrow$ Mammary duct

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