The number of elements in the set $\{ (a,\,b):2{a^2} + 3{b^2} = 35,\;a,\,b \in Z\} $, where $Z$ is the set of all integers, is
In the following state whether $\mathrm{A = B}$ or not :
$A = \{ 2,4,6,8,10\} ;B = \{ x:x$ is positiveeven integer and $x\, \le \,10\} $
Let $S = \{ 0,\,1,\,5,\,4,\,7\} $. Then the total number of subsets of $S$ is
Which of the following pairs of sets are equal ? Justify your answer.
$\mathrm{X} ,$ the set of letters in $“\mathrm{ALLOY}"$ and $\mathrm{B} ,$ the set of letters in $“\mathrm{LOYAL}”.$
State whether each of the following set is finite or infinite :
The set of numbers which are multiple of $5$
Write the set $\left\{\frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{3}{4}, \frac{4}{5}, \frac{5}{6}, \frac{6}{7}\right\}$ in the set-builder form.