The units of Young ‘s modulus of elasticity are
$N{m^{ - 1}}$
$N{m^{ - 2}}$
$N{\rm{ - }}{m^2}$
A wire elongates by $l$ $mm$ when a load $W$ is hanged from it. If the wire goes over a pulley and two weights $W$ each are hung at the two ends, the elongation of the wire will be (in $mm$)
A steel wire $1.5\,m$ long and of radius $1\,mm$ is attached with a load $3\,kg$ at one end the other end of the wire is fixed it is whirled in a vertical circle with a frequency $2\,Hz$ . Find the elongation of the wire when the weight is at the lowest position $(Y = 2 \times 10^{11}\,N/m^2$ and $g = 10\,m/s^2)$
Two separate wires $A$ and $B$ are stretched by $2 \,mm$ and $4\, mm$ respectively, when they are subjected to a force of $2\, N$. Assume that both the wires are made up of same material and the radius of wire $B$ is 4 times that of the radius of wire $A$. The length of the wires $A$ and $B$ are in the ratio of $a : b$. Then $a / b$ can be expressed as $1 / x$ where $x$ is
A $14.5\; kg$ mass, fastened to the end of a steel wire of unstretched length $1.0 \;m ,$ is whirled in a vertical circle with an angular velocity of $2\;rev/s$ at the bottom of the circle. The cross-sectional area of the wire is $0.065 \;cm ^{2} .$ Calculate the elongation of the wire when the mass is at the lowest point of its path.
Read the following two statements below carefully and state, with reasons, if it is true or false.
$(a)$ The Young’s modulus of rubber is greater than that of steel;
$(b)$ The stretching of a coil is determined by its shear modulus.