The value of a for which the system of equations ; $a^3x + (a +1)^3 y + (a + 2)^3 \, z = 0$ ,$ax + (a + 1) y + (a + 2)\, z = 0$ & $x + y + z = 0$ has a non-zero solution is :
none of these
The values of $a$ and $b$, for which the system of equations $2 x+3 y+6 z=8$ ; $x+2 y+a z=5$ ; $3 x+5 y+9 z=b$ has no solution, are:
If $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{x^2} + x}&{x + 1}&{x - 2}\\{2{x^2} + 3x - 1}&{3x}&{3x - 3}\\{{x^2} + 2x + 3}&{2x - 1}&{2x - 1}\end{array}\,} \right| = Ax - 12$, then the value of $A $ is
The cubic $\left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
0&{a - x}&{b - x} \\
{ - a - x}&0&{c - x} \\
{ - b - x}&{ - c - x}&0
\end{array}} \right| = 0$ has a reperated root in $x$ then,
For the system of linear equations $a x+y+z=1$, $x+a y+z=1, x+y+a z=\beta$, which one of the following statements is NOT correct ?