The wavelengths of ${K_\alpha }$ $X-$ rays of two metals $'A'$ and $'B'$ $\frac{4}{{1875R}}$ and $\frac{1}{{675R}}$ respectively, where $'R'$ is Rydberg's constant. The number of elements lying between $'A'$ and $'B'$ according to their atomic numbers is
In the result of the Geiger-Marsden experiment, by which the trajectory of the $\alpha $ -particle can be calculated ?
The graph which depicts the results of Rutherform gold foil experiment with $\alpha$ -particales is
$\theta:$ Scattering angle
$\mathrm{Y}:$ Number of scattered $\alpha$ -particles detected
(Plots are schematic and not to scale)
According to the Rutherford’s atomic model, the electrons inside the atom are
State the dimension of the nucleus from Rutherford experiment.
Difference between nth and $(n +1)^{th}$ Bohr’s radius of $‘H’$ atom is equal to it’s $(n-1)^{th}$ Bohr’s radius. the value of $n$ is: